The Evolution of Relaxation


This pic sums up my past 7 days.

A whole lot of nothing.

Well, actually it was a whole lot of something:

* a lot of romantic time with my bride

* a lot of eating,

* a lot of sleeping late

* a lot of exercise, and

* a whole lot of disconnecting from the world as I know it.

In my “always on” mode, I have a hard time hearing God speak to me. But He orchestrated this past week in such a way (had me forget my laptop) that I had no choice but to be still. Each day while my bride played her favorite game of BINGO, I stole away a few alone hours with my Creator. Just me and Him – on deck 4, third chair from the sliding door, just this side of the railing that would separate me from the bluest Caribbean water I had ever seen. It was here, in this blue and white striped lounge chair that He spoke to me.

He spoke to me about balance. He spoke to me about theology. He spoke to me about my role as a husband, daddy, employer, and friend. But mostly, He spoke to me about who I am in Him. Maybe I’ll unpack a few of these conversations right here over the next few days.

Oh, just to be still…He is speaking, but the noise of our lives drown out the most important words we could hear…be still.

4 responses to this post.

  1. Could you ever realize the depth of my love for you my son? This picture of you makes me glad. Mom

  2. That’s awesome in the real sense of the word. And your mom’s comment almost made me cry. This life may be tough sometimes, but it is indeed good.

  3. good to see you enjoying your vacation and also good to see that you know how to “Be still and know that He is God!” Enjoy….You deserve it!

  4. Thanks Ben and Ruth. And thanks mom. If you and dad didn’t volunteer to take care of the girls, we could not have gone.

    I love you mom!

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